Gareth and Ted are joined by Seb from Seb’s Place, a British YouTube channel covering 8-bit and 16-bit computers. Seb discusses his channel, his loves and hates in the retro tech, his collection and gaming in the modern world.
With Gareth Myles and Ted Salmon
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Enter Seb: Seb’s Place
Who is Seb?
Is he biased to a particular system and was it from childhood?
How extensive is Seb’s collection?
Does Seb play Modern games?
Any feelings on modern game industry or favourites?
Raspberry Pi 500
What Seb’s most disappointing system?
Have you ever done a type-in?
Modern homebrew thoughts?
Does Seb have a Holy Grail of retro?
Favourite type of video to make? Video most proud of?
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Contact:: | @techaddictsuk
Gareth – @garethmyles | Mastodon | | Gareth’s Ko-Fi
Ted – | Ted’s PayPal | Mastodon | Ted’s Amazon
Ricky – TechTalkYouTube: Tech Addicts