This is a fascinating segment involving Matt Damon explaining how modern movie budgets work. Compared to 20 years ago when the DVD was king. It really makes you think how streaming has impacted the industry. The lack of the DVD sales has changed the kind of movies studios will greenlight.
This reminds me of how many movies benefitted from the Video and DVD release. Blade Runner immediately springs to mind. A flop at the box office, however, the video release made the movie profitable. The various re-issues have contributed to it’s success.
There used to be a wonderful world of direct to video movies that we has not been lost. Certainly there is direct to streaming and dedicated services provide a platform for movies to thrive, like Shudder. The low budget movie is covered and that’s a relief. However, what about the mid budget movie?
Matt Damon speaks of the Behind The Candelabra and the risks to make this may end up destroying this type of movie. It seems that in the future we might have less of a choice, the $200 million blockbuster or the cheaper streaming option. Imagine going out for dinner and only have McDonalds or fine dining. The DVD, Blu Ray and 4K UHD are utterly vital.
Not to mention Disney buying up studios and movies theatres having to comply with Disney’s rules to show their “$200 million circus” (Jack Nicholson quote.)