
Blindsided (1993)

Blindsided from 1993 is much better than you could expect and deserves to be resurrected. It's an honest, well made serving of noir. Those who have seen it, enjoy it.
Fearless Fuzz

Fearless Fuzz (1978)

Fearless Fuzz (or Magnum Cop,) on paper, feels like one of those pairings of an action comedy with two hot stars we have seen so frequently over the years. Charming as it might be, it can't shake it's Italocrime roots.

Frantic (1988)

Frantic is an oddity on Harrison Ford’s filmography. Whilst he is best known as Indiana Jones, Han Solo and Jack Ryan and his action thrillers, there was a period in the 80’s when he was something of a dramatic actor with range and critics were noting him.